1 x Free Range Pork Ribeye Chop


1 x Free Range Pork Ribeye Chop

Tender free range pork ribeye chop which has the bone and rind on which gives amazing flavour. Season with salt and black pepper and pan fry or grill for 3-4 minutes each side.

1 x Free Range Pork Ribeye Chop

It’s cut from the rib of the loin with the bone French trimmed to give extra flavour. We leave the rind down so it gives you that connection between the rind and the meat. Were you have that lump of fat in the middle. Again for extra flavour. 

We score the skin and we pan fry it on the skin side down and then turn them over, four minutes each side on the pan, perfect. Or you can do them in the oven for about 30 minutes. Make sure the skin is scored, they crisp up lovely.